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Participate Learning office in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Our path to Participate Learning


Learn more about our journey to becoming Participate Learning
and our relationship with our sister company, Participate Inc.



Participate Learning was founded as Visiting International Faculty, and later VIF International Education, to promote and celebrate the value of international perspectives in U.S. education through international teachers.


Over time, we refined our offerings to add global and dual language programs and also created an online collaborative professional development platform.


VIF International Education changed its company name to Participate in order to more accurately reflect our current programs and services, today and in the years to come.

2019- present

In an effort to better serve our specific, respective audiences, Participate divided into two separate companies, Participate Learning and Participate Inc.

Who we are

Participate Learning is a force for good that connects teachers and students through comprehensive programs to foster human understanding and create peace around the world.


Our mission, to unite our world through global learning, is the purpose behind our dedication to expanding young minds so that students can thrive in the global marketplace and become tomorrow’s leaders.


As a leader in global education, we are proud to serve nearly 22,000 students, 1,000 visiting international teachers, and 3,000 local educators in more than 400 schools across the country—and we aim to support even more.

Participate Inc. fostering community engagement for international teachers in the USA

Our sister company, Participate Inc.

Participate Inc. is an award-winning education technology company that creates platforms for professional learning. To provide a place for collaboration and learning, we host various Communities of Practice on Participate Inc. to serve our diverse network of Participate Learning partners and educators.

Connect with Participate Learning

Social Media

To connect with us on social media, tag @ParticipateLrng and use the hashtag #UnitingOurWorld instead of #howiparticipate.

Email Support

To reach the Participate Learning team, use email addresses that end in Any emails sent to will not reach the right person and could delay a timely response.