Solutions for U.S. Schools
We align our offerings to your school’s vision and existing initiatives for student success.

Creating Global, Cultural, and Language Opportunities for All Students
We partner with more than 550 schools in 75 unique districts nationwide to ensure students are ready for their future careers. Learn more about each of our offerings for schools below.
Global Leaders Framework
Serving K-12 schools nationwide
The Global Leaders Framework offers professional development, strategic coaching, and comprehensive resources to help schools develop globally competent, empathetic, and action-oriented students through four pillars: Career-Ready Global Leaders, Shared Leadership, Globally Empowered School Culture, and Connected Global Community.

K-5 Dual Language Programs
Serving K-5 schools in NC, SC, and VA
The K-5 Dual Language Program aligns with the seven strands from CAL’s Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL). It offers support in teacher recruitment, vertical alignment, goal planning, assessment, professional development, and curricular resources. This program ensures that students develop bilingualism, biliteracy, and socio-cultural understanding from an early age.
Middle School Immersion
Serving middle schools in districts nationwide with K-5 dual language programs or with a high number of Spanish heritage speakers
Our middle school immersion programs ensure continued growth in Spanish or Mandarin language proficiency while cultivating global competencies in students. They consist of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary middle school curriculum and teacher professional development support.

Ambassador Teachers Program
Serving K-12 schools in NC, SC, and VA
Our Ambassador Teachers program brings certified, trained international educators into U.S. classrooms to foster cultural understanding and language proficiency. As the third largest designated sponsor of the U.S. Department of State Exchange Visitor Program, we help schools prepare students to interact with people worldwide and approach diverse situations with curiosity and empathy.
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