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Ambassador Teacher Experience

Expanding young minds. Building global connections. Achieving personal and professional goals.

Interested in this experience? View the application requirements here.

Participate learning icon highlighting the advantages of international teaching jobs

Ambassador Experience

Living and working in another country is an exciting and challenging experience that will help teachers grow both personally and professionally.

Ambassador Teachers maximize their cultural exchange experience through activities, events, and offerings across four categories – connections, cultural experiences, leadership, and learning.

Learn more about each of these categories and what to expect from the Ambassador Teacher experience below.

Ambassador Teachers in the Participate Learning program smile in front of a world map


As Ambassador Teachers join our powerful network of educators in the U.S. they form life-long relationships which will greatly enhance their experience in the United States. The friends and professional mentors that Ambassador Teachers make during their Participate Learning experience will be their supporters, cheerleaders, travel buddies, and more.

Ambassador Teachers holding up baseball tickets during a cultural activity

Cultural Experiences

Participate Learning Ambassador Teachers are here to share their own culture while also embracing U.S. culture and other cultures around the world. These teachers arrive with dreams of:

  • Seeing the Statue of Liberty
  • Strolling the streets of New York City
  • Standing in awe of the Grand Canyon
  • Seeing the cherry blossoms blooming in Washington, D.C.
  • Attending a real American baseball game
  • Enjoying their first Thanksgiving

We encourage teachers to engage in many different cultural experiences during their time in the United States and maximize their time in this cultural exchange program.



Formally or informally, both within the Participate Learning Network and beyond, Ambassador Teachers will have many chances to take initiative and show leadership during their time in the program. We are so proud of our teachers as they explore professional and personal growth opportunities such as:

  • Grade level chair
  • Student Improvement Team committee member
  • Global lead
  • Community soccer coach
  • Conference presenter
  • Local Adviser
  • Mentor
Teacher in her classroom at Kensington Elementary


Ambassador Teachers embarking on this experience are interested in growing both personally and professionally.


Whether they hope to get a Masters degree, enhance their best practices, or develop technology skills, we strive to provide them with valuable learning experiences and professional development. Through badge series, digital credentials, and an online transcript, we encourage and recognize both formal and informal learning opportunities.

Teacher Stories

While I’m here, I’m not only teaching the students about the language and culture, I also have a chance to interact with people from the world, to present myself as a Chinese person, so I think when I’m interacting with the parents and other teachers, they also have a chance to learn about what my culture is, and we can learn from each other about our own cultures.”

Ambassador Teacher from China

I am not only the “Spanish Teacher,” as students from regular classes call me. I am an ambassador of my country, my culture, my family, my sponsor program, and my world.”

Ambassador Teacher headshot for testimonial
Ambassador Teacher from Chile

On a professional level, the local school, the university, Participate Learning’s staff, and other communities have contributed to my leadership and success.”

Headshot Ana Ambassador Teacher
Ambassador Teacher from Colombia

I am completely grateful for my Participate Learning Community. I have been inspired by all the growth professional opportunities and for pushing us to keep being a better version of ourselves day by day. Embracing my culture, feeling accepted, and being part of such a great community makes me feel empowered to keep improving my teaching practices.”

Ambassador Teacher from Colombia

Start my Journey

Ready to apply? View the application requirements to get started.